Dr. Caroline Tait is a member of the Métis Nation – Saskatchewan is from MacDowall, Saskatchewan, and has one adult son. She has a Ph.D. in medical anthropology from McGill and is a professor in the Department of Psychiatry, University of Saskatchewan. She has conducted community-based research in partnership with First Nations and Métis communities, organizations and national and provincial governments for the past 25 years. She has published papers on FASD, child welfare as a determinant of mental health for First Nations and Métis children, government morality and the local worlds of impoverished Indigenous women and most recently on micro-reconciliation as a pathway for transformative change. Dr. Tait is the research lead for the First Nations and Métis Organ Donation and Transplantation Think Tank that originated from a Royal University Hospital Foundation Grant. The think tank is made up of Elders/Knowledge Keepers, peoples with lived experience and health care professionals in Saskatchewan. She is the Principal Investigator for the Institute of Indigenous Peoples’ Health, CIHR, funded Saskatchewan Indigenous Mentorship Network and currently serves on the board of Mental Health Research Canada, the Canadian Association of Elizabeth Fry Societies, Elizabeth Fry Society of Saskatchewan, First Peoples Wellness Circle and the Executive Advisory Committee for Cannabis and Mental Health of the MHCC.